Sunday 9 November 2014

Stjepan sejic

Stjepan Sejic artwork from His Comic series Death Vigil, Image from
Stjepan Sejic is an Comic book artist that produces and writes his own comics series.1,12 He is a self publishing illustrator who is currently creating four comic series.1,12 The series are Death Vigil, Ravine, Twitch and Sunstone.1,12,13 He also does the covers for comics for companies such as Top Cow, Zenescope, Dynamite and DC comics.1

 Stjepan Sejic got his creative influenced to create comics by his visit to an exhibition called Comic Biennale which gave him the idea that he wanted to work in the comic industry.2 One of the comics that influenced him at the exhibition was Witchblade.3 “I was sixteen when the exhibition called Comic Biennale came to a museum in the city of Rijeka, where I went to high school. We went there to check it out and there I got the idea to try drawing comics. I saw a cover to a comic with a peculiarly memorable title, Witchblade.”4 This title was stuck in his head and used this as his influence when he went to college where he got started drawing comics. He was consider to have a very low chance of becoming a comic book artist by his peers and lecturers.5,6 He was fortunate that fate gave him a chance and he started illustrating Witchblade in his third year. 7 “The real kicker is that I read my first issue of Witchblade in the third year of college.”7    

Stjepan works for the company Top Cow, for this company he creates comics and covers for them and the artwork for the current series of witchblade.1 Top cow has helped Stjepan Sejic when it comes to him making his own comic series by publishing it for him. “when I make a suggestion or have an idea... they listen”.16 When it come to Stjepan Sejic creating his comics he normally creates some random doodles then while he creates them, the story of the characters just comes to him. 16 “what Drives me? What drives any storyteller? There is a bunch of characters jumping on top of my head and poking me to write their stories.”16  This process that he uses created the comics series Death Vigil.16 “I drew a character out of boredom and the ungrateful bastard started talking.”8 When it comes to designs such as Death Vigil he does everything. “Question: from Nrama: For death here, you did the entire production of the book- from writing to drawings, colouring and lettering.12 Answer: from Stjepan It is ideal for me right now.”14 Also Stjepan Sejic adds a lot of depth to his stories, 9 so that the characters feel more alive and he also shows this by making the first volume of Death Vigil 46 pages long.10 “Simple. Characters needed some room to be themselves.”11

Stjepan Sejic’s chosen media of uses is Photoshop when creating his doodles and comics. Stjepan is very quick at producing work every day. “Generally, on a slow day it is two comic pages a day, plus some additional side gigs and projects depending on what I mood I am in”.15 


  1. Stjepan Sejic Deviantart account (2006), bio
  2.  Elisabeth (2011), tfaw, Paragraph eleven, sentences one to two
  3.  Elisabeth (2011), tfaw, Paragraph eleven, sentences two to six     
  4.  Elisabeth (2011), tfaw, Paragraph eleven, whole paragraph    
  5.  Elisabeth (2011), tfaw, Paragraph twelve, sentences three to four       
  6.  Elisabeth (2011), tfaw, Paragraph twelve, sentences six to eight
  7.  Elisabeth (2011), tfaw, Paragraph thirteen, sentences three to four 
  8.  John (2014), Unleashthefanboy, paragraph nine, one to two   
  9.  John (2014), Unleashthefanboy, paragraph thirteen, whole paragraph 
  10.  Chris (2014), Newsarama, paragraph twenty one, sentence one
  11.  Chris (2014), Newsarama, paragraph twenty two, whole paragraph 
  12. Chris (2014), Newsarama, paragraph thirty four, sentences one to two
  13. Chris (2014), Newsarama, paragraph twenty nine, sentences one to five
  14. Chris (2014), Newsarama, paragraph thirty five, sentence one
  15. Chris (2014), Newsarama, paragraph forty four, whole paragraph
  16. Chris (2014), Newsarama, paragraph thirty one, whole paragraph


Reporter:  Chris Arrant

Report created on the 9th July 2014

Accessed on the 31st October 2014


 Reporter: Filip Sablik

Report created on the 4th March 2010

Accessed on the 31st October 2014


Reporter: John McCubbin

Report created on the 8th July 2014

Accessed on the 31st October 2014


Reporter: Elisabeth

Report created on the 22nd April 2011

 Accessed on the 31st October 2014


Stjepan Sejic deviantart account

Deviantart account created in 2006

Accessed on the 31st October 2014

Image of Stjepan Sejic comic series Death Vigil

Reporter: Russ Burlingame

Article created 7th April 2014

Accessed on 31st October 2014

Website Comicbook. com  

Jason Chan

Jason Chan, Photo from 3dm3  

Jason Chan is a freelance illustrator and concept designer.1,25 His works range from working on the card game Magic the Gathering and Book covers.3,6 He now works for Massive Black Inc to create concept art for Video games and movies.3,5,26

Jason Chan`s hard work and his talent meant he gained employment quite quickly.7 His first big project was a series of black and white interiors for a RPG book.12  He entered a lot of online art contests while studying Art at the University of San Francisco.16 One of the contests was last man standing Thunderdome in which he was facing CA finest, he won this got him notice by Massive Black Inc.16 He also received a lot of interest when he created an illustration of kids in playground fighting off zombies, which sparked him to do the concept art for Zombie playground, which is an online battle RPG.8, 14, 22    

Jason Chan was influenced by video games such as Mario and Megaman and then by X-men, Final Fantasy, Warcraft and Magic the Gathering in which he would reproduce his favourite characters.7,10, 23,27 When drawing reproductions of his favourite characters, he was then creating from his own head.11, 24 Another influence that affected his work is Western and Eastern Cultures.2,13,15 A big influenced on him was when he was at high school his family got internet service and he found art communities online which really encouraged him to work in a digital format.8

Jason Chan usually uses adobe photoshop using a wacom tablet.18, 19 Sometimes he uses traditional media but mostly uses photoshop. 18, 19  When it comes to Jason Chan creating book covers or concept design he is given ideas notes for what he is creating for example if it’s a book he is give a passage from the book or given notes of the mood that the author wants.20,28 With the creative process he creates some rough sketches first, so that that the client can pick which one they want.31 Jason Chan usually creates the sketches in grayscale so that Jason he can instantly go over his work in colour.31  But with the sketch he has just gone over he just creates a new piece “I will start over when doing the final image because I have specific steps that I skipped to make this rough image in the interest of time”33 With the rough sketches he tries to give them their own unique touch “but make sure that each one is unique and has its own special “something””.17,34 He uses reference for inspiration for stuff that relates to the illustration his work, not just people but also scenery and architecture.30 The theme that Jason Chan works in is Science fiction and Fantasy.4,21

Jason Chan likes the idea of letting your imagination go “to the right viewer it flickers the anything possible switch in the brain”. 35                
Thumbnails of cover design. Image from Muddy colors
Rough sketch of what Jason plans to do. Image from Muddy Colors

 Image of Jason Chan Artwork for the Final outcome of the book cover of Among ghost by Amber Benson,36 from the website art spire


  1. 3Dtotal,  Paragraph one, sentence one, page one
  2. 3Dtotal, Paragraph six, whole paragraph
  3. Imageinefx, Paragraph one, sentences five to seven, page one
  4. Imaginefx, Paragraph one, sentence four, page one
  5. Layerprint (2012), Paragraph one, sentence one
  6. Layerprint (2012), Paragraph one, sentence two
  7. Layerprint (2012), Paragraph two, sentences one to two
  8. Layerprint (2012), Paragraph three, sentences four to five
  9. Layerprint (2012), Paragraph four, sentence whole paragraph
  10. Imaginefx, Paragraph four, sentences one to three
  11. Imaginefx, Paragraph four, sentences four to five 
  12. Imaginefx, Paragraph six, whole paragraph
  13. Imaginefx, Paragraph ten, sentences two to three
  14. Bobby D (2012), Nerdlocker, paragraph one, sentences one to five
  15. Bobby D (2012), Nerdlocker, paragraph six, whole paragraph 
  16. Coby, Lastmanart, Paragraph one, sentence four to seven 
  17. Coby, Lastmanart, Paragraph four, whole paragraph 
  18. Coby, Lastmanart, Paragraph seven, whole paragraph 
  19. Theatre-illuminata, Paragraph one, sentence one  
  20. Theatre-illuminata, Paragraph three, sentence one  
  21. Theatre-illuminata, Paragraph Six, sentence one
  22. Richard (2011), Wizard of the coast, paragraph three, sentence one
  23. Richard (2011), Wizard of the coast, paragraph three, sentences one to three
  24. Richard (2011), Wizard of the coast, paragraph three, sentence four
  25. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph one, sentence one 
  26. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph one, sentences two to three
  27. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph two, sentences one to two 
  28. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph three, sentences whole paragraph
  29. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph three, whole paragraph
  30. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph four, whole paragraph
  31. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph five, sentences one to six
  32. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph six, whole paragraph
  33. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph six, sentences seven to ten
  34. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph five, sentences three to six
  35. Imaginefx, Paragraph five, sentences one to two
  36. Muddy Colors (2010), paragraph three, sentence one


Website: 3D total

Accessed on 11th August 2014

Website: Theatre-illuminata

Accessed on 11th August 2014

Reporter: Bobby D

Accessed on 11th August 2014

Report created on the 20th June 2012

Website: Nerdlocker

Website: imagineFX

Accessed on the 11th August 2014

Reporter: Cody Tilson

Accessed on the 11th August 2014

Website: Layer paint

Accessed on the 11th August 2014

Article created on the 6th June 2012

Reporter: Richard Whitters

 Accessed on the 11th August 2014

Article created on the 15th June 2011

Website: Wizards of the coast

Website: Muddy Colors

Accessed on the 11th August 2014

Article created on the 11th November 2010 

Photo of Jason Chan

Website: 3dm3    

Accessed on the 11th August 2014

Report created on 5th June 2005

Image of Jason Chan artwork

Website: Art spire

Accessed on the 11th August 2014

Report created on the 5th July 2005